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Alumni Profile: Pete Brown, GPN Class of 1996

Alumni Profile:  Pete Brown, Grosse Pointe North Class of 1996

Pete Brown graduated from Grosse Pointe North in 1996, before continuing his academics at Western Michigan University, eventually earning a bachelor’s degree. After graduating from WMU, Brown went on to teach 3rd and 4th grade in the Three Rivers Community Schools system for several years. Brown then once again moved in 2005, finding himself in Indianapolis working at The Eiteljorg Museum, a museum dedicated to Western and Native American culture and history.

Brown spent eight years at the Eiteljorg, starting off in the Education and Public Programs department, but eventually found himself working in other areas at the Museum. 

“By leveraging my other areas of interest and side business, I eventually migrated to the marketing department managing their website, managing social & traditional media outlets and creating lots of educational and promotional videos and graphics,” said Brown. 

Brown's time did come to an end at The Eiteljorg Museum, however, as he quotes that the “entrepreneurial renaissance man” in him emerged. 

“I formally launched ASH Interactive in 2012 and have been focused on helping non-profits, social service & educational organizations with their marketing and general communication strategies ever since. During the early days of the pandemic, ASH spun off 2 new sub-brands aimed to help people stay connected remotely; Midwest Virtual Experiences and Virtual Career Tech. Through these brands, we've helped hundreds of educators and non-profit administrators stay connected with thousands of students and community members during some challenging times and I'm very proud of that.” 

The GPPSS Impact

Brown believes Grosse Pointe is full of many influential teachers, and that he wouldn’t be where he is today if it weren’t for them.

“Ms. Charlotte Hage was a very influential teacher in my life. Mr. Pete Dettlinger was one of my absolute favorite teachers at North, and it's been great to run into him occasionally over the years. Mr. Glen Williams was another great teacher and someone who is very committed to the community with his annual Haunted House among other things.”

Brown’s advice to students today? “Keep your eyes, ears, mind and heart open to all possibilities and opportunities.”

Want to Nominate Someone to be Profiled?

As part of this year's celebration of 100 years of educational excellence at Grosse Pointe Public Schools, we are partnering with the district to profile 100 alumni from our illustrious first century.  

Are you or someone you know interested in being profiled in a story that will be distributed district-wide across various social media and news platforms?

Start by nominating yourself or someone you know here.

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